Pulling an Eddy


As you are traveling down the River of Life, ‘Pulling an Eddy’ is vital for long term mental and physical survival.

Eddys are quiet places on a river for boaters to stop and take breaks while traveling. They also provide great places to scout rapids and other rough waters that lay ahead.

Generally when we prepare to run one of Life’s rapids, we look at finding a route that will allow us to travel safely (but adventurously of course!) between eddys. It’s like doing dot to dot, linking up the eddies as you make your way downstream.

The middle of the Eddy can often be almost still, like when you take quiet breaks in your day.

Try it right now.

Put your paddles away for a moment, (your phones, computers, etc).

Calm your mind. Take a breathe. Take a look around. See what’s going on right now. Just observe, don’t act.

Do this as many times as you need to in your day. Stay there just a few moments, or hours if needed.

***If you’re finding it scary because you have wandered too far from the bank and the rapids seem to big right now, reach out to those around you. Let them help you calm the waters and help navigate a new path forward.***

Trust your relationship with them AND yourself.

Post less and interact more with where you are and who you are with.

Focus right now on being HERE versus THERE.

Then when you’re ready, push yourself away from the bank, and Float Sideways today on the River of Life.


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