Is Your Brain Broken?

I am not anti-technology.

I think it’s a wonderful invention for so many reasons. I am against people using technology in the wrong way.

My sister-in-law sent me a fridge magnet that said “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.”

Technology doesn’t hurt people. People using it in destructive ways hurts people.

My niece, clinging to her phone, recently told me with anxiety, fear and sadness, “My Brain is Broken”. I want to tell you why I think that is.

Many moons ago, when you wanted to contact somebody, you picked up the phone and made a voice connection with them. Then you hung up the phone and only made a few other calls, THE WHOLE DAY.

Or you picked up a pen, and wrote a card or letter. I just spent 50 bucks on Mother’s Day cards. Why? Because I know how special it is to get a HANDWRITTEN note or card, and I feel so much more connected to the words when I actually WRITE them.

I make sure to CALL my parents as often as I can versus texting because I know the ability for me to hear their beautiful voices is not going to last forever so I savor the moment I hear the old familiar “mmm..Hello!” from my Dad, or an excited “Hi There!” from my Mom.  How many of you have wished your family a Happy Birthday with an emoji instead of using your voice to sing them the Birthday Song? Shame on you.

Blame texting !!!!

When it first came out, I thought, “How cool!”  Texting is great for a simple and quick shout out, or a group text sharing information, or special moments. But notice how we have gone from (not so long ago) taking the time to dial a phone, taking the time to have a verbal conversation, taking the time to be present and connect on a deeper level; to now thinking and stressing about feeling we have to constantly keep in touch with hundreds, even thousands of people by text?

That’s like being at a large convention or concert every hour of every day, thinking you have to not only know everyone there, but keep up on all of their minute to minute activities! It has become an insane burden on our brains.


Put your text fingers to rest. Call them instead. Better yet, go see them.

Quit trying to be somewhere else. It’s confusing your brain. Work on being more present in the moment.



Just Keep Paddling

