Welcome to
What is it?
It’s a quirky new twist on the very old concept of being more present during your life.
While floating down the River of Life navigating it’s currents, (we use being on an ‘inner tube’ for a good visual), you have options:
Float facing Forwards: leaves you always thinking and planning for your tomorrows with frequent anxiety about what may or may not lie ahead.
Float facing Backwards: leaves you unable to leave the past in the past, continuing to get stuck in the emotional obstacles of it.
Float Sideways: Focus on what is happening in this day only; using the future or past experiences simply as guidelines.
Put in the bluntest way possible:
There is No Future
and There is No Past,
so why NOT Float Sideways and
Choose the Now?
Floating guidelines:
Click on this video if you're a visual learner :)
Sometimes those tubes will float closely with yours for many years, alongside a good friend or family member for example.
Many times your tube will bump into someone else's for only a short while such as interacting with a grocery clerk, coworker, classmate or unexpected acquaintance.
This lets each person navigate Life's currents their own way.
Depending on everyone's choices, your tubes may stay connected or they may start to go their separate directions. The hard part is to not in any way hold on to their tube, only yours.
After sharing ANY amount of time, thank them for their company and wish them well as they continue to navigate their own life’s currents.
You may reconnect with them on another tributary later in life. You may not.
Find ways to navigate the River of Life your OWN way. Take those chances. Dare to take a different tributary than others may be taking.
Take needed breaks from unexpected rapids and obstacles by pulling an Eddy.
Then, having gained more experience and strength, paddle right back into the current, able to more fully enjoy the twists, turns, and ever changing views on the River of Life.